St. Paul's Funclub Ofsted Report

Our latest Ofsted report for St Paul’s Funclub was in July ’23 and we were rate “Met” which is the highest grade for an out of school provision under the new framework. We admit we were a little disappointed as in the old framework the inspector said we would be looking at achieving Outstanding as she was extremely impressed with our wonderful staff team and the children. We are pleased that the inspector could appreciate the dedication and enthusiasm of our team and our wonderful children who attend, commenting on their excellent behaviour and fun filled attitudes. 

“Children have a lot of fun in the club. Staff provide a wide range of activities for them to choose from. They are fun and friendly and join in children’s play. They encourage children who are less confident to try out new activities, which helps to broaden their experiences.”

“Staff encourage children to consider one another. Older children work as a ‘buddy’ to younger children, helping them to learn routines and to feel more confident in the group.”

“Children show a good understanding of the club rules, which they have helped to create. Staff consistently remind children of these, supporting their good behaviour very well.”

“Staff are deployed well and are vigilant. There are clear procedures to ensure that children are well supervised, for example, when moving between indoor and outdoor spaces. This helps to assure children’s safety.”

“Children have a strong voice in the club. Staff consult with them at every level and involve them in decisions, such as what will be on the menu and which activities they will provide. They help children to understand what it means to be a good citizen. For example, children learn about democracy when they lead and run their own planning ‘council’ for the club.”

“Parents speak highly of the club and it’s staff. They value the information that staff provide about club activities. They feel very welcome and say staff always have time to talk to them about how their child has been. They praise the wide range of activities for children, particularly the opportunities children have to be as active as they need to, or to relax in a quiet space.”

“Staff work closely with staff in the school that the children attend. This helps them to provide consistent messages to children about positive attitudes and behaviour. For example, their shared, high expectations teach children about respect. They learn to take good care of their space and resources and to protect the environment.”

“Staff think carefully about ways to complement children’s learning experiences in school. They help children to further develop their handwriting skills, for example, when they design their own passports. They take part in pretend play with children, such as playing hairdressers and hospitals. This helps children to develop their imagination and creativity.”

“Leaders and staff are committed to ongoing improvement. They welcome support from outside professionals to help them to build on their practice. This, alongside managers’ own observations, leads to well-informed development plans for staff, which help to improve children’s skills and experiences. For example, staff attend training to help them to support children’s thinking and problem-solving skills.” 

“Well-organised induction procedures help new staff to develop confidence quickly. Ongoing supervision arrangements are very supportive and staff feel valued and happy in their role. Morale is high. This contributes to the fun, positive atmosphere in the club.”

The report can be read in full here 50226137 (