Little People Heckmondwike Ofsted Report

Our latest Ofsted inspection at Little People Heckmondwike was in Dec ’23 and we were rated “Good” in all areas. The inspector had some wonderful things to say about us…

“Staff develop nurturing bonds with the children who seek them out for comfort and reassurance. This helps children feel happy, safe and secure at the nursery. Staff have high ambitions for the children at the nursery…Children are making good progress and are developing lots of new skills to help them prepare for school.”

“Children spend lots of time in the fresh air, building their large muscles and increasing their heart rates. For example, children climb up on the pirate ship equipment and run around on the lawn.”

“Parent partnerships are a strength of the nursery. Parents are extremely happy with the setting, especially those parents who have children with SEND. They feel supported and report that their children are coming on in ‘leaps and bounds’. They feel informed about their children’s learning and appreciate the time staff set aside to keep them regularly updated.”

“The nursery team have robust safeguarding knowledge and understanding.”

The report can be read in full here 50238621 (